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Actualizado: 17 oct 2023

"My affection hath an unknown bottom, like the Bay of Portugal "

William Shakespeare

"The Portuguese call it saudade: A longing for something so indefinite as to be indefinable. Love affairs, miseries of life, the way things were , people dead, those who left and the ocean that tossed them on the shoresof a different land.

All things born of the soul that can only be felt".

Anthony de Sa

Day 1( 2nd May) at the Alves Martins high School in Viseu,Portugal

Opening Ceremony,

Presentations of works about Human Rights & Humanity on the Media: short films.

Leaflets for parents

Lecture Dr Rui Madeira:"Who we are ? The social dilemma.

Popular Games.

Primer día en el instituto Alves Martins en Viseu, Portugal.

#The More you know the Better you Improve. Ceremonia de Apertura.

Presentación de trabajos sobre Humanidad, Derechos Humanos.Cortos.

Folletos informativos para padres sobres temática

Conferencia del Dr Rui Madeira": Who we are? The Social Dilemma .

Juegos populares .

Paseo por la ciudad .

Second day (3rd May) in our mobility in Portugal #themoreyouknowthebetteryouimprove

Starting with a professional lesson about the short movie " Porcellain Unicorn" discussions directed by Dra Gracia Pereira and a conference /workshop called The School promoting universal Values,directed by Dra Paula Fong, all this fostering reflections about the steps toward INCLUSION .

Roleplay about ourselves and how Human Rights are important in our society .

Then a guided Tour to Coimbra university

Guided Tour in Coimbra .Visit to the University of Coimbra: Royal Palace and Biblioteca Joanina.

Día 2: ¡Empezamos con una clase profesional sobre el corto "Porcelain Unicorn· dirigido por la doctora Gracia Pereira y seguimos con una conferencia con el objetivo de promover los valores universales dirigida por la doctora Paula Fong. Todo ello promoviendo reflexiones sobre la INCLUSIÓN.

Juegos dinámicos entre los alumnos sobre la importancia de los Derechos Humanos en nuestra sociedad.

Tour guiado por Coimbra y su universidad , su palacio real y su biblioteca Joanina.

Day 3 (4th May) Visit to the city of Lamego of our mobility in Viseu with the

Visit to the Lamego Cathedral and to the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora dos Remedos

Boat trip on the Douro River in the Alto Douro Wine Region

Dinner in a Fado restaurant.

Incredible experience !!!

Thanks to our lovely Portuguese friends for wrapping us all these days with such an affection.

Día 3: Visita a la ciudad de Lamego , catedral y al Santuario de Nossa Senhora dos Remedos .

Viaje en barco por el Duero.

Cena en un restaurante amenizado con el típico fado portugués-

Day 4 (5th May) Lecture on Human Rights- world retrospective in Alves Martins High School by Inés Castro.

Presentation of the work on Denigration of Human Values by the Greek Team.

Closing ceremony .

Closing Ceremony. Certificates of Participation

Día 4: Conferencia sobre los derechos Humanos : Retrospectiva mundial en el instituto Alvens San Martins con la ponente Inés de Castro.

Presentación del trabajo sobre Denigración de los Derechos Humanos , por el equipo griego.

Ceremonia de Clausura. Entrega de los certificados de participación.







Erasmus brings us together

Ana Pilatus Álvarez Marqués


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