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The project "The More You Know, the Better You Improve" is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of this press release is the sole responsibility of the I.E.S. La Gándara and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Project details


Main objective of the project                                                 Exchange of Good Practices

Project Title                                                                             The More You Know,The Better You Ä°mprove

Project Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)                                          2021-01-01

Project Total Duration                                                            24 months

Project End Date (yyyy-mm-dd)                                            2022-12-31


Participating institutions


ID ORGANITATION                     NAME                                                                                                                           COUNTRY

E10142483                                I.E.S. La Gándara                                                                                                        Spain

E10145597                                ISIS "A.CASANOVA"                                                                                                     Italy

E10130244                                KONAK CINARLI MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI                                        Turkey

E10010182                                Escola Secundária Alves Martins                                                                             Portugal

E10142794                                Kauno Kazio Griniaus progimnazija                                                                         Lithuania

E1014302                                  Gymnasio Neas Kydonias                                                                                          Greece

Project Summary


We need to enforce the critical thinking and media literacy of children and students to be able to judge and overcome current threats of cyberbullying, radicalization, cybersecurity threats and fraud( COM2018).

The speed of translation will be so fast that students will learn immediately using new technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality. The ability to learn new knowledge will be more important than the knowledge itself. In such a new world, qualifications and knowledge will be applicable, but not enough. Critical thinking, media literacy and digital literacy will be drawback, not have profits, for those who do not have them.Students in our schools are the customers  of the media. On average, each wasting 1,500 hours a year in frontof television. About 98% of our students have Internet access in their homes and most use it every day.

According to the latest data ,Facebook have 1.45 billion users every day, 5 billion videos are uploaded to You Tube  every day, while 800 million are active on Instagram every day. But there is a trouble: they are lost in the media world because they don't know how to accurately distinguish and apply them. Rather, humanity must be taught how to process information stored through technology. Training should be aimed at processing data rather than data accumulation.

This trouble with low media literacy Information, Media Literacy Index low all partner countries (especiallyGreece 38%, Turkey 16%,) that has media literacy according to the index, is concerned with students from all partner countries. partner countries, too. Our project is about media literacy and its aim is to “warn” students, parents and teachers and bring them back to reality through critical thinking and proper use of media.

*  To develop critical thinking and media literacy by 80% after the completion of the project.

*  Returning students to real social life. Developing awareness about the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, which is neglected by 80 % due to internet addiction.

*  80% reduction of damage in computer games.

*  Reduce misuse of personal data and profiles on social networks by 80%.

*  Increasing productivity for all school courses and creating interest in education programs in order to reduce the number of students leaving school.

*  Develop awareness and skills among parents toestablish agood relationship between families children and the media.

*Enforcing the educational qualifications andtalents of media literacy and professional development in the European context.

With respect to all planned activities, we will concentrate mainly creativity to make instructions for the needs of this century (the European digital age), and a variety of soft skills will be transferred through a variety of activities, methods and tasks.

The workshops for creating films and preparing films will evoke the creativity of the student. Students will be efficient, develop their own moral values, be aware of the world around them, enhance human dignity, democracy, equality.

Workshops such as coding during mobility, protection of personal data, protection against Internet violence, I am a journalist, students use the internet right, identify false news, spread hateful speech, the disadvantages of internet addiction, the development of educational games, etc. They'll develop their skills. he takes care of his children when it comes to media and use. These activities will develop awareness and skills among parents to establish a good relationship between their children and the media. Sports activitiesprovided in the project will lgather students, disconnect with virtual world and socialize.

Through the activities of the teachers in this project we will enrich the educational qualifications and skills of media literacy and professional development.

We will comfort all our students and 12 - to 18-year-olds to participate in the project directly in mobility approximately 100 teachers, excluding 120 students and travelling teachers, 1200 students indirectly, 250 parents.

Methodology: presentations, workshops, roundtables, studies, monitoring and evaluation activities, project-based learning, teamwork, workshops for parents.

Long periods:" Media Literacy Week", International School Media Literacy Program. Impact, at future national and European level, students and project participants who will win the project will be reflected in their social lives.

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